The Lookout

This article, Bussel, is a Role-Play article.


Bussel with his Pegasus Gold Cloth

Name: Bussel
Aliases: None
Debut: Not yet?
User: KingPin0422

Race: 1/2 Saiyan

1/2 Human

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 27, 1481
Height: 5'11
Weight: 225 lbs
Blood Type: AB
Affilation: Athena's Saints
Occupation: Saint of Athena
Personal Status: Unknown

Bussel is KingPin0422's roleplay character, that he has yet to introduce.

Appearance and personality[]

Aside from bearing a striking resemblance to Goku, Bussel sports a golden armor that covers his entire body, and the armor has wings, though they are useless due to his Ki.

As for his personality, he is almost completely silent, but is generally nice to the point where anyone who he knows has done nothing wrong, or at the very least he hasn't seen do anything wrong is considered a friend.


Bussel was born to two parents that he never met due to being an orphan. However, he had a strange power that he never knew about until much later. While he was growing on the streets, raised by a group of human ki users, he was bullied a lot in his young life, and since he was initially sensitive, he was offended by the insults thrown at him.

One day. at the age of 9, the kids were taking Bussel to their hideout, when one of the bullies, not at all happy that Bussel had earlier bested them earlier on the playground, ambushed him and repeatedly beat up Bussel, his friends very shocked that he would beat him down so badly and the other bullies laughing at Bussel, not aware that the main bully was doing something wrong, even by their standards. As Bussel lay there, horribly beaten, he felt something snapping inside of him, and then...

It happened.

Bussel had suddenly increased his power. Nobody knew what it was, but Bussel had enough strength so as to make the bullies run away in fear.

Bussel later finds out about the Super Saiyan myths, and he had become one of them.

Almost a year later, he also realized that the "strange power" he was born with is known as the Sixth Sense, and through it, he had access to Cosmo.

When he was 14, he had heard of the other Super Saiyan forms, and, through great training, unlocked Super Saiyan 2 at 15, and 3 at 16.

After exerting great amounts of Cosmoenergy when he reached 17, he had enhanced his Cosmo even further, up to the Seventh Sense. At that time, a strange woman appeared before him, and told him that he had been deemed worthy of the Pegasus Gold Cloth.


  • Super Saiyan: A transformation. Increases power by 50 times the base.
  • Super Saiyan 2: A further transformation. Twice as powerful as Super Saiyan.
  • Super Saiyan 3: His ultimate transformation. 4 times as powerful as Super Saiyan 2.